vanity title

komi can’t communicate sucks

komi can’t communicate is seriously the worst anime i’ve ever watched. now, i know that doesn’t mean much, given that i’ve finished like 8 animes total but this show is just so bad that i had to talk about it. i’m not even saying anything that people haven’t already said, i just needed to get this off my chest.

so let’s start with the humour. although i haven’t watched this since the first season came out, all i remember about the humour is the excessive amount of nosebleed jokes and just how many WEIRD OLD MEN find shouko attractive. like???? i know the nosebleed joke is a trope, and so is the creepy old guy but why did anyone decide this was funny? and then why did MULTIPLE PEOPLE find it funny enough to continue writing into shows until it was common enough to become a trope?? it just reminds me of all those videos of street interviews in japan where guys boast about cheating and think it’s totally okay. like sure something can be a cultural norm and also be completely fucking disgusting and morally abhorrent.

also none of the “friends” she makes outside of like. tadano and najimi are real friends. they just think she’s attractive and she counts it as real friendship because she’s so set on reaching this goal of 100 friends, which, i’d just like to say, most non-socially anxious people don’t even have 100 friends! i don’t think it’s creepy per se that all her classmates find her attractive because at least they’re in her age group but it’s clear that they only care about her because she’s attractive. if she was ugly, even average perhaps, they would at best ignore her and at worst bully her. but heyyy we need a plot so you just need to accept this.

also literally everyone in this anime is annoying as fuck. i understand that tadano’s whole thing is being ordinary (it’s literally in his name) so he gets a pass i guess. shouko is chill and i really feel for all the Situations she gets put in so whatever. my favourite was najimi and i thought they were an icon (although some people thought the jokes involving them were tired and transphobic and i definitely get their point. but i thought they were funnier and significantly less creepy than the old guy jokes so najimi gets a pass). but everyone else had like fifteen screws loose. that yandere girl and the chuunibyou were notable standouts for most annoying. and i totally forgot about the girl with green hair until i was reading the wiki and remembered the whole thing about her having large breasts which is another item to add to the list above of disgusting creep humour. maybe they were trying to go for like a “weirdos stick together and understand each other” but THE OTHER GIRLS DON’T EVEN TRY TO GET TO KNOW SHOUKO. and frankly, with the yandere around, i wouldn’t even let her get close if i were shouko.

what’s most disappointing is the first episode had a really good premise, where tadano and shouko communicate using the chalkboard. i was so ready for this to be an anime about accepting different forms of communication and encouraging people to listen to those who don’t speak out loud. but then they threw that all away so shouko’s entire goal is to learn how to speak out loud and she’s convinced that this is the only way she can make friends when, going back to the last paragraph, her “friends” don’t care! they would never care about how eloquently she can express herself via writing! because even when she tries to say something, they don’t have the patience to wait for her to finish before going nuts over her beauty! i’m so sick of media where introverted characters are forced to “get over it” and that’s literally their whole character arc. if you had to change something fundamental about yourself to make friends, they aren’t your real friends. and what message does this send to all the people who can’t speak? do their methods of communication not deserve to be celebrated the way speech is? it’s just so icky that the message the writers wanted to send was “learning how to speak is the only way to make friends”, which i honestly could argue is ableist because shouko is described as having a communication DISORDER. so when all the characters + shouko herself believe she has to get over this “barrier”, the writers are saying anyone with a communication disability should just get over it. which is ableist! and i swear no one ever points this out!

anyway that’s all i had to say. if you liked this anime congrats on having bottom of the barrel taste in media and if you disagree, go fuck yourself thanks.